BlueCallom AI Application Archives - BlueCallom Enterprise grade Autonomous AI Solutions Wed, 17 Apr 2024 22:40:24 +0000 en-US hourly 1 GPTBlue Update April 2024.1 Wed, 17 Apr 2024 22:40:24 +0000 GPTBlue Update April 2024.1 BluePrompt – a new strategic technology for more sophisticated business prompts Prompt IP Protection – and Open Source options when distributing prompts Intelligent Prompt Distribution – ensuring recurring revenue  for prompt authors Prompt Cost Estimation – Approximate cost calculation prior to prompt execution Recurring Revenue for Prompt Authors – Prompt authors […]

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GPTBlue Update April 2024.1

BluePrompt – a new strategic technology for more sophisticated business prompts
Prompt IP Protection – and Open Source options when distributing prompts
Intelligent Prompt Distribution – ensuring recurring revenue  for prompt authors
Prompt Cost Estimation – Approximate cost calculation prior to prompt execution
Recurring Revenue for Prompt Authors – Prompt authors now determine their own price
Autosave feature – BlueCallom Prompt studio follows user suggestions.


GPTBlue Update April 2024.1As you know, we see prompts becoming the most strategic Mind-Machine-Connectors. As such it became a strategic Technology at BlueCallom. Prompts are the foundation for Neuro-AI-Fusion and the smallest common denominator in a business task.

Some prompt objects in BlueCallom are unique to our platform. For instance, you can edit the response of the GPT system. This is currently only possible in BlueCallom. Over time we see many more of those enhancements. To make it more visible and also make clear that those prompt objects would not work on a Chat system like ChatGPT, we flag those objects as “BluePrompt Objects” and flag the prompts as BluePrompt. You can see them in the library with the little brain icon in your personal library.
The unique BluePrompt features include:
– Function Calling
– Custom Models
– Iterative Prompts
– Data Handling
As we advance with our technology we will add further intelligent prompt objects.
Already in the next few weeks, we will add “Expiring Prompts”, “Prompt Tags” and “Fixed Data Prompts”. Later this year you will get a series of far more complex BluePrompts for more sophisticated tasks.
1) You get additional power from BluePrompts that is not available by only using a chat system
2) You still have the underlying power of Open AI’s GPT model which we are using
3) The BluePrompt Architecture is designed so that your data will never be stored at any LLM


GPTBlue Update April 2024.1Prompts get sold for pennies by the hundreds. This is great to start but not a sustainable model for high-quality business prompts. At BlueCallom no prompt will be visible to the end user unless the Prompt Author decides to make it available as Open-Source Prompt. When you started with BlueCallom GPTBlue, all prompts were protected, you could share it with anybody by simply deploying the prompt on a public library or share it individually. So your Prompt IP was protected from day one.

As of today, you can make prompts Open-Source. This is not just great for collaboration with more people, but also help your clients understand how prompts get designed and inspire them to more sophisticated prompts. Moreover, you can share open-source prompts to show people what it takes to make high-performance, high-productivity prompts. Such an insight will put the build or buy question in a whole new light.

From our own experience, one of the most sophisticated prompts we built was for a financial services organization and it saves them approximately €15 to 20 Million each year. Four people including a high caliber financial industry consultant worked for three days on eight different prompts that had been combined into one. Our IP is protected and pricing had to be quite different.

Another experience was during the last three GPTBlue Boot Camps. Attendees needed to know what is inside the prompts we shared and the sharing was cumbersome. Now we can share those prompts as open Source and the can use it right away to learn from.
1) The IP protection is an obvious value. Not only for Prompt Authors but also for any organization as the prompt content is only known to a small group of prompt authors. The internal IT data security risk is still very present.
2) The Option to make a controlled Open Source version of prompts, is a great benefit when content shall be shared, used for education, or collaboration.


Intelligent Prompt PackageAnother strategic technology we are introducing in GPTBlue Update April 2024/1, is “Intelligent Prompts”. With this new release, you distribute prompts with a unique URL. With that, the prompt carries the author’s name and the user status with it. That way a user, who “finds” such a prompt in the public can execute it. Those prompts are by default protected so nobody can see the inner workings of your prompt. Yet the author will know that a new user uses the prompt and will be paid its commission.
Moreover, if a person who is not yet a user finds such a prompt and activates their new account, the referral key is also activated so the author gets a referral fee and the new users an additional bonus.
Imagine you create prompts and share them freely on the Internet. As soon as somebody likes it and uses it, not only you get the commission for the use, you also meet your customer digitally. And the user can provide feedback that will be routed to you, no matter how many partners or people may have been in between that transaction.
1) You can now share any prompt on the internet and will be paid for any execution of that prompt.
2) The new intelligent prompt distribution is for Open Source prompts as well as IP Protected Prompts.

BlueCallom IO

GPTBlue Update April 2024.1In the GPTBlue Update April 2024.1 release, users will see an average prompt cost based on the prompt cost history. That way the user will know the approximate cost before they start it. Some of our more complex prompts, when using our internal Function Calls cost already ~5,000 coins, which is €1.50 without any premium.
With this new step – we make another leap in prompt cost transparency.

More Prompt Cost Transparency 
Creating a prompt is no rocket science. On the other hand just slapping together some questions won’t do the Generative AI  justice. The perceived savings of millions of Euro/Dollar/Franks does not quite come for free, but still with an instant ROI.
Prompt Authors in particular the most creative ones won’t be able to do prompts for pennies and cents.
1) You won’t be surprised by the cost of the prompt execution. And as prompts will soon make quite some leaps in cost, it is important to have that cost under control.
2) As prompt cost will rise with the significant quality improvements prompt analytics will need data that we deliver.

BlueCallom Studio

Another cool feature of the GPTBlue Update April 2024.1 release is the ability of prompt authors to set a premium for their development work. That premium is paid every time a prompt is executed. Obviously those prompts are not kitchen recopies or email text writer prompts but those who develop complete business models, making a sound cashflow analysis, interacting with CRM or ERP systems and more. Usually it even takes some BluePrompts to make the function work so that customers pay the premium. At present the premium is between 1 cent and €/CHF 1,500 or equivalent currency.
The beauty of all those prompts is the ability to calculate the prompt productivity. The calculation is still the same. An estimated time the manual task would take of the 10 seconds for running the prompt and maybe a minute or two to fill in the required content.
1) Prompt Authors won’t need to “sell” their prompts but make them available in a pay-per-use model
2) Prompt Consumers won’t need to sign up for system subscriptions but only pay as they use it and gain productivity
3) Companies won’t need to go for complicated budget planning as a prompt must deliver an instant ROI and can be measured and compared with the cost
4) In this circular economy on the digital front, Prompt Authors are incentivized to maintain their prompts and increase their value over time. Moreover they get feedback from their users so they are so close to the market – like with no other product.

BlueCallom Studio

We received several requests from power users to make saving prompt objects easier. Thanks for the request and here is the new solution and already implemented in the current release:

When in the BlueCallom Studio, you can switch “Auto Save” at any time on or off.
When autosave is “ON”
No need to manually save any entry. It is saved automatically as soon as you leave the input field.
Suggestion: If you edit an important prompt, keep autosave OFF (see below).
When autosave is  “OFF”
You save the prompt title and description with a separate save button as this is not part of the actual prompt. Then you can select any of the Prompt Objects and save manually one after the other or all together or any variation.
When EDITING a prompt you may use “Reload Page” as an emergency exit for when you are not sure whether all the changes you made are really good or you where distracted. The changes are only saved when you hit “save”.
1) You wanted it we built it – this is probably the biggest benefit
2) Now you know we listen and respond – and we will try very hard to keep it that way.

The next update GPTBlue Update April 2024.1 is already around the corner 🙂
Those who join the upcoming GPTBlue Boot Camp will see the Roadmap for 2024
GPTBlue Update April 2024.1

Thanks you all. If you have any suggestions, please let us know. Feel free to post your response here in the comments.

#promptengineer #generativeai #promptip #promtcost #promptauthor #gptblue


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ChatGPT versus GPTBlue Wed, 21 Feb 2024 14:25:57 +0000 What is better? Sorry, there is no better. They are just different. Both use the same OpenAI large Language model. The key question is: Do you prompt for yourself or do you create prompts for others in a business environment”? ChatGPT When you write prompts for yourself, you may prefer ChatGPT. Why? it’s quick and […]

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What is better?

Sorry, there is no better. They are just different. Both use the same OpenAI large Language model.
The key question is: Do you prompt for yourself or do you create prompts for others in a business environment”?


When you write prompts for yourself, you may prefer ChatGPT.
Why? it’s quick and you polish it until the results are good for you.

  • Your prompt library is a long list accessible only to you.


When you create prompts for others, you may prefer GPTBlue.
Why? It’s usually in a business environment, where you compose prompts for others.

  • Productivity gain must be visible and measurable.
  • Prompt Composition allows us to develop unique prompt features.
  • Library networks are key in larger organizations. It’s part of GPTBlue today.
  • Partner integration and productivity induction is becoming a strategic advantage.
  • Analytics will help you and your users better understand the performance.
  • Business Model allows prompt designers to sell the prompts with recurring revenue.
  • Future Evolution looks like prompts will evolve into entire applications.

Learn more about this feature-rich solution on the GPTBlue web page.
If you develop prompts for other’s, try it out  it’s free

ChatGPT versus GPTBlue

It boils down to prompting for yourself or designing them for others as profession.

ChatGPT versus GPTBlue Architecture

GPTBlue is leveraging the Open AI Large Language Model (LLM) and its, Generative Pretrained Transformer (GPT). The value-add comes from an AI-Native application that sits on top of it. The prompt framing architecture frames the prompt functionality given by the LLM but allows additional prompt design features on top of it. The prompt composer

GPTBlue AI Network

Now, here GPTBlue goes really crazy. Based on the needs of some very large customers we developed a unique Gen AI Application Network. It started with the question how can we better deal with the rapid proliferation of prompts where nobody knows who has them, who wrote them and are they productive? A multi library network was a starting point. Rules for certain prompts to deploy to specific libraries only. The integration of business partners was next. It ended up with thousands of users, hundreds of libraries, central observation and decentral management. You will find more in our case study, available Beginning of March.


Because we are a highly productive AI company, we have far more time for our customers 🙂

#AI #GenAI, #PromptEngineer #Prompt #GPTBlue #BlueCallom #ChatGPT #PromptLibrary #PromptProductvity #PromptAnalytics


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Regaining control of an enterprise Wed, 15 Nov 2023 23:30:28 +0000 Regaining control of an enterprise The complexity of modern organizations seems to have surpassed human capacity. Too often, innovation is hamstrung by the need to address legacy issues before embarking on new initiatives. The symbiosis between the human mind and artificial intelligence opens new windows every day. But to capture the opportunity we have to […]

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Regaining control of an enterprise

The complexity of modern organizations seems to have surpassed human capacity. Too often, innovation is hamstrung by the need to address legacy issues before embarking on new initiatives. The symbiosis between the human mind and artificial intelligence opens new windows every day. But to capture the opportunity we have to step out of the door. Those, not willing to invest in genuine breakthrough innovation may as well restructure their inner workings first. The learning from that process may open the floodgate for AI-driven Innovation much easier.

Overwhelming Complexity

We’ve realized that the multitude of small issues in organizations isn’t the core problem; rather, it’s the intricate web of connections between these issues that has become a monstrous challenge. In a typical structure of an organization with 1,000 employees and 25 departments, about 50,000 tasks range from mundane to highly demanding. The interconnectivity of these tasks creates over 500,000 potential interaction points, leading to a complexity beyond our conventional comprehension. This reality forces us to reconsider our approach to organizational control.

The Role of AI in Managing Complexity

Humanity has a history of developing tools to extend our capabilities. With the advent of AI, we’ve reached a point where managing sustainability and breakthrough innovation requires acknowledging the complex challenges that exceed our capabilities. AI’s role in this scenario is crucial. AI systems, like OpenAI, augmented by domain expertise, demonstrate that AI can be a pivotal tool in managing complexity unlike any other. At BlueCallom, our experience with AI has shown us that a Generative AI, focused on specific tasks, can significantly transform business processes.

The Need for a Holistic Approach

The most significant challenge for management in regaining control is moving away from patchwork solutions. Transformation is a holistic process, not a series of incremental changes. AI-based transformation strategies can offer a comprehensive approach to managing an enterprise. Starting with clear objectives, the AI system can develop robust strategies and plans, focusing on well-defined outcomes. The key is comprehensive data – the lack of which is akin to illiteracy in today’s digital age.

AI-Driven Transformation and Human Synergy

AI’s ability to compute objectives, data, and outcomes in seconds, coupled with its capacity to assess numerous options tirelessly, lays a solid foundation for regaining control of an enterprise. However, effective transformation also requires upskilled teams capable of communicating with AI systems in a logical, structured manner. BlueCallom TRANSFORM enables teams to navigate through corporate complexity, fostering a unique synergy between human and digital intelligence. TRANSFORMATION, when used in a systemic and now AI-driven process can be conducted within 6 months. The reason for that bold statement is that AI won’t implement hard core change from one state to another assuming that thousands of employees just get trained and continue but involves a seamless and guided process.


The integration of AI into business processes is not just an efficiency enhancer; it’s a growth enabler. Organizations leveraging AI will have a distinct advantage over those that don’t. At BlueCallom, we are driving that process diligently and a relentless timing. AI and human intelligence work in tandem to create extraordinary results in enterprise management. The synergy of mind and machine is more than any one of it alone. In support of that concept we don’t even need to protect humanity from an AI, like we don’t protect humanity from a crane because it can lift more, or an airplane because it can fly.

Swiss Innovation Forum

On Nov. 30, we will demonstrate the technology on the Swiss Innovation Forum in Basel (Switzerland)

For those who want to experience superhuman intelligence should join the challenge we are having on the conference floor, where you play with some of the brightest minds in the first BlueCallom Superhuman Challenge. In just 180 seconds you will solve a problem that you may not solve otherwise in a day.



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