AI Archives - BlueCallom Enterprise grade Autonomous AI Solutions Thu, 09 Nov 2023 14:42:42 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Exploring the Frontier of Human and Machine Intelligence Thu, 09 Nov 2023 14:42:42 +0000 Join the BlueCallom Team at the Swiss Innovation Forum 2023 On the brisk morning of November 30th, Basel will not just awaken to the usual calm of the Rhine’s flow or the distant Jura Mountains’ silhouette. It will stir the pulse of innovation at the Swiss Innovation Forum exhibition with BlueCallom stepping beyond the bounds […]

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Join the BlueCallom Team at the Swiss Innovation Forum 2023

On the brisk morning of November 30th, Basel will not just awaken to the usual calm of the Rhine’s flow or the distant Jura Mountains’ silhouette. It will stir the pulse of innovation at the Swiss Innovation Forum exhibition with BlueCallom stepping beyond the bounds of the conventional, into a realm where neuroscience and artificial intelligence converge to unveil a new era of Human Intelligence Augmentation.

The BlueCallom team invites you to witness this revelation with BlueCallom’s  “Neuro-AI-Fusion” application in action.” Imagine a world where the mind and machine meet, not with the invasiveness of yesterday’s science fiction but through a connection as seamless as thought itself.

This isn’t just a glimpse into the future; it’s a stride into a reality where drilling into the human skull to unlock the brain’s potential is a mere echo of the past.

What Awaits You in Basel at the Swiss Innovation Forum from BlueCallom?

1) The Essence of Disruption: Dive into the mechanics of generative AI and discover how today’s innovation isn’t just a stroke of genius but a repeatable process. What does it take to construct the next industry titan? How do we craft a team poised for breakthroughBlueCallom Innovation team users and managers get intelligently guided through the End-to-End, Deep Innovation Design processes, with its over 100 innovation success critical tasks.s? BlueCallom answers these questions, unraveling the layers of intelligence that power innovative minds.

2) Transformative Trajectories: Your journey through the business landscape is about to get a quantum leap with AI. Regardless of your industry, witness how operational efficiency can soar to unprecedented heights. We’re talking about a transformation that reshapes everything from market research to ideation to decision-making, all while significantly cutting costs.

Meet the Visionaries: Amidst the exchange of ideas, BlueCallom’s CEO, Axel Schultze, will take the stage, delving into the intricacies of “Human Intelligent Augmentation.” 

A Union of Minds and Sectors: Sponsored by NZZ Connect and many innovation companies,  the forum is not just an event; it’s a tradition of excellence.  It’s where the innovative spirit is celebrated and nurtured, fostering collaborations that transcend industries. 

Join us at the nexus of business and science, where thought leaders and changemakers gather. Let’s converge, converse, and catalyze the next wave of innovation together. 

Looking forward to meeting with you at our booth or on the floor space. Let us compare notes and exchanges about the future, the present, and what we could do together.

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AI-driven Innovation Paradigm Shift II – Future of Work Wed, 09 Aug 2023 15:14:52 +0000 Future of work in the era of AI AI-driven Innovation Paradigm Shift II As the era of AI unfolds, there’s an increasing discourse around job losses, with many fearing machines might render humans obsolete. However, a nuanced perspective indicates that AI is not directly replacing jobs but’s revolutionizing them. Professionals armed with AI tools are […]

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Future of work in the era of AI

AI-driven Innovation Paradigm Shift II

As the era of AI unfolds, there’s an increasing discourse around job losses, with many fearing machines might render humans obsolete. However, a nuanced perspective indicates that AI is not directly replacing jobs but’s revolutionizing them. Professionals armed with AI tools are set to outpace their peers who rely on traditional methodologies. So it’s not AI that replaces jobs but people who use AI. Here’s how:

1) Marketing Plans
Imagine a world where creating a comprehensive marketing plan is as quick as making your morning coffee. AI can be fed parameters such as target demographics, budget constraints, and company goals. Within the hour, one might receive a detailed marketing strategy. This includes research-backed insights, potential outreach channels, predicted outcomes, and even content suggestions. While humans are pivotal in feeding contextual details and verifying the plan’s alignment, AI dramatically shortens the time and effort involved, turning a week’s task into merely an hour’s.
The human role: Let the AI know what YOU want in that marketing plan and what constraints YOU want to give the AI. Without intelligent input, neither a machine nor another human can perform that task.

2) White Papers
Once considered a tedious, time-consuming task, white papers can be made efficient with AI. Researchers or marketing professionals provide AI with a theme, objectives, and a few essential details. The system, equipped with access to countless databases and research journals, drafts a white paper complete with research references, infographics, and a well-structured narrative. The human role evolves from tedious drafting to primarily conceptualizing and verifying, cutting the production time from days to hours.
The human role: Let the AI know what YOU want to communicate for an audience that YOU specify. Also here: without meaningful inputs, neither a machine nor another human can perform that task.

3) Product Description
For companies with a vast array of products, writing and updating product descriptions can be daunting. With AI, a product’s raw data – size, features, benefits, price, and images – can be input. The AI then crafts compelling, SEO-optimized product descriptions in minutes. This not only standardizes the quality but exponentially speeds up the process, allowing businesses to launch products faster and adapt to market changes swiftly.
The human role: YOU give the AI the PURPOSE and it will do the work accordingly.

4) Event Landing Page
Event managers and organizers can breathe easy. When tasked with creating a landing page for an event, AI can assist in designing, scripting, and even optimizing for conversions. By simply feeding the system event details, target audience specifics, and desired outcomes, AI can craft a visually appealing, content-rich, and user-friendly landing page. Instead of laboring over design and content iterations, humans can now focus on strategy, outreach, and making the event a success.
The human role: Have the idea you want a landing page.

5) Training Class Presentation
Training modules can be made more engaging with AI. Trainers provide the core content and desired outcomes. AI can create a dynamic presentation complete with visuals, case studies, interactive elements, and even quiz sections. This ensures consistent quality, aids in better knowledge retention, and most importantly, lets trainers focus on delivering the content rather than the intricacies of presentation design.
The human role: Understand that a training class presentation is needed and YOU tell the AI how it should be done.

6) Legal Document Review
Legal professionals often spend hours reviewing contracts and legal documents. AI can analyze these in minutes, highlighting discrepancies, potential risks, and areas of concern. Lawyers can then concentrate on strategy and counsel rather than the tedious task of document analysis.
The human role: Review and validate the AI output rather than do the digging and searching yourself.

7) Personalized Learning Paths in Education
Educators can leverage AI to craft individualized learning plans for students. Based on a student’s performance, strengths, and weaknesses, AI suggests a tailored curriculum, ensuring more effective and adaptive learning experiences.
The human role: You get the idea: no matter what – Somebody needs to set it in motion

8) Real Estate Analysis
Real estate agents, with the aid of AI, can provide clients with comprehensive property analyses in record time. By entering property details, AI can predict market value, estimate renovation costs, and even suggest optimal selling periods.
The human role: Same here  – set it in motion

9) Fashion Design
Fashion designers can introduce AI into their creative process. By feeding current trends, preferred fabrics, and desired outcomes, AI can generate design sketches, patterns, and even predict market reception, allowing designers to be trendsetters at an unprecedented pace.
The human role: And here  – set it in motion

10) Film and Video Editing
Film editors can provide AI with raw footage, desired mood, and thematic elements. The system can then generate a rough edit, dramatically speeding up post-production timelines. This ensures quicker releases and lets filmmakers focus on storytelling nuances.

The consistent thread across these transformations is the paradigm shift from manual to collaborative intelligence. As AI and humans collaborate, the boundaries of what’s possible expand, ushering in a future defined by efficiency, innovation, and unprecedented achievements.
The human role: And also here  – set it in motion

I guess you can now imagine that those 10 examples can be applied to thousands of jobs. If you can’t see it give it a try or ask Chat GPT or ask me.

What does it mean for you?

If you are in any office job, you will learn to become a manager, no matter what you do today. You will become the manager of your AI system and tells it what it should do for you. This may be writing a report, summarizing today’s calls, creating a document, making a plan, telling it to process information, asking it how you can do what you are supposed to do, ask it to teach you any task, find out how things work, and draw an image even if you can’t even draw a tree. As you advance, you ask the AI to create a presentation for you or your boss, or to create a video about any topic, or analyze a project, analyze a process, suggest a process and prepare every item that needs to be done to complete it. Probably half of your daily work will be done in 10 seconds for each piece plus the 5 minutes to explain it what you want. All you need to learn is to `tell it what you want and most importantly learn to know and say what you want. This new ability will pen op new job opportunities and remove barriers like “I’m not good at writing letters” or “I’m not good at drawing images” or “I’m not good at analyzing data”…

Addressing the Global Skills Shortage through AI

Use the team you have – but much smarter than ever before !!!

AI-driven Innovation Paradigm Shift II  delivers also a highly crucial aspect on employee quality. The global skills shortage, a pressing issue in today’s rapidly evolving job market, threatens economic growth, innovation, and competitiveness across nations. As industries advance and new specialties emerge, there’s a widening chasm between the skills available in the workforce and those in demand. While retraining and upskilling initiatives are paramount, they are not the sole solution, especially considering the urgency and scale of the issue. Enter Artificial Intelligence — not as a replacement for human talent but as an amplifier and leverage for less skilled people. Somebody who never created a blog post can still ask the AI how a blogpost is written and than feed some bullets to the AI. The AI can be used as force multiplier. AI can tailor educational content for faster, more effective learning, predict which skills will be in demand in the coming years, and even assist on the job, guiding workers through complex tasks until they’re proficient. Furthermore, AI-driven platforms can match individuals’ potential and transferable skills with emerging job roles, bypassing traditional credential requirements and emphasizing capability instead. By harnessing AI, we’re not just bridging the skills gap; we’re reimagining a future where talent and technology converge, ensuring a resilient, adaptive, and skilled global workforce.


An important note at this point

You may have guessed it already, This post was written by AI, we use, GPT-4, and leveraging our Prompt Framing technology. All I had to do is compile a list of things I wanted to talk about and a minute later I had the results. To do the post it required still me (a human) to say I want a post. It required me to give the AI the structure I wanted and the bullet points in order to get this output. And finally the review and some personal touch like this paragraph. All done in about 20 minutes.


The learning for Business Leaders

AI is not just another piece of Software the IT team should get familiar with, but also the most revolutionary organizational innovation instrument since the industrial revolution with its production automation. I use the term instrument very purposefully. Like the conveyor belt changed mass production from the ground up, it needed to be implemented. it needed to be part of the organization and it needed to be part of he company culture. All this was possible with a few drawings, lists, new rules and organization descriptions. Today’s enterprises are so complex and optimized that it needs tools to make it work.

Leading by innovation

It takes leadership to transform a company through a paradigm shift. And this one is far bigger than most expect it to be. Leading by innovation requires the understanding about how AI really works. Neither the “Dooms Day Prophecy” nor the “Click and be done” mentality is helpful in any way.  The future of work lays not in the hands of politicians, scientist or educators. It is in the hands of CEOs. They are the ones that let a company crash or flourish. They need to look into what AI is doing like the farm boys looked at industrialization 200 years ago.

Like the CEO of a car manufacturer knows what cars are, he or she also know what SALES means and how it works, or how FINANCE  ticks and what it means, or how MARKETING does the job. Now there is a quantum leap in organizational management, time management, and results amplification. That requires skilled people we just don’t have – and we don’t need to.


AI-driven Innovation Paradigm Shift Part III — Organizational Innovation
I noticed that it may be helpful to describe how companies can initiate that paradigm shift, set new goals and empower people to complete far more jobs in the same time by leveraging AI. Also what task can be performed by less educated people and how all that will drive down cost and increase profitability.

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AI-driven Innovation Paradigm Shift Wed, 26 Jul 2023 14:49:06 +0000 AI-driven Innovation Paradigm Shift Part 1: increasing productivity 10-100 fold It was about the year 1435. countless monks were copying books. They did so by writing a new book by hand from scratch. Hundreds of pages. Monitored by supervisors, ensuring there is no single mistake on page 563, for instance. Otherwise, the monk had to […]

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AI-driven Innovation Paradigm Shift
Part 1: increasing productivity 10-100 fold

AI-driven Innovation Paradigm Shift - it started with Gutenberg

It was about the year 1435. countless monks were copying books. They did so by writing a new book by hand from scratch. Hundreds of pages. Monitored by supervisors, ensuring there is no single mistake on page 563, for instance. Otherwise, the monk had to rewrite it. This entire business of educating the world has suddenly changed. Around 1440 Johannes Gutenberg introduced the printing press. It was the first major shockwave that hit monks like a stroke.

The precursor to AI-driven Innovation Paradigm Shift
A single printing press could replace more than a hundred monks.| (C) BlueCallom Corp.

One of the first modern innovations

Many thought that this machine needed to be destroyed. But it turned out the other way around. Within a few years, what was considered a curse became a blessing. All of a sudden, not only a few monasteries with a rare number of educated writers could distribute knowledge. Monasteries from all over Europe could quickly replicate knowledge and distribute it in their community. This was the very early start of the knowledge explosion.

No alt text provided for this image
Many monasteries were involved in the new paradigm of educating the world.

More and more monks were needed to create new and unique content; others were busy with printing, yet others with producing more paper, packaging, packing, and shipping. It was no longer a business for just a few educated writers but for monks and, later on, normal people in the villages participating in that business.

The printing press led to the need for more people – not less. It led to more business opportunities, sales channels, and better education, which allowed more businesses to flourish. It is one of the best descriptions of disruptive innovation. AI is precisely of the same fabric. It will help us do things in any industry and any aspect of our lives that were impossible before. I don’t want to overshadow the risks. Analyzing those risks and, for the first time in history, preventing those risks while innovating is part of the paradigm shift. Innovating and automatically conducting various risk analyses at every major step in the process creates sustainable innovations with transparent risk profiles.

Why is the above analogy so relevant in today’s innovation and artificial intelligence world?

The old innovation paradigm versus the new

  1. Try and error vs. strategic and tactical innovation.
  2. Innovation is done by the same “experts” who would need to question their own expertise vs. by a diverse team of differently wired backgrounds and specific cognitive abilities.
  3. Today, all repeat jobs like administration, KPI monitoring, Reporting, and Guidance are done by humans, versus an AI system that can augment human capability.
  4. Ideation is reduced to a person’s experience (see neuroscience) instead of augmented by an AI that cannot really generate ideas but stimulate the ideation process.
  5. Research is done manually today by researching relevant content, revising and abstracting the critical pieces, and summarizing the result, which may take weeks or even months, instead of by an AI that can do all that in seconds.
  6. Today, disruptive ideas are created by hoping and wondering, dreaming and thinking in random exercises and models like design thinking versus neuroscience-driven ideation that stimulates the brain’s natural process and is supported by AI for internal and external idea confluence that unfolds breakthrough innovation and in the same process disruptive business models.
  7. Ensuring that the disruptive solution is a market fit, stopping market research like idea validation, and instead using neuroscience-driven methods to have an undisputable result.
  8. Today, 80+% of disruptive products or services fail in the market for many reasons that may have their roots anywhere from original idea to final product or go-to-market strategy. Instead of moving it back into the existing organization, let the innovation team bring it to market, leveraging AI to its fullest extent, which would be impossible in an existing organization.
  9. Instead of buying a startup with 100 people or even less and hoping they can bring innovation to 20,000+ employee enterprises, create a detailed ‘Innovation Meta Strategy’ for the corporation and then decide what you really want and how to make it happen.
  10. Instead of pretending you have an internal startup, think big and build an internal Unicorn. And instead of looking for improvements that will never be mentioned in an analyst report, create a ‘Large-Scale Innovation’ that changes how people do things that were never possible before.

From the first innovation opportunity discovery to scaling in a global market – the new Innovation Paradigm dictates an end-to-end solution that is thought through in all aspects of what it takes to make an innovation successful like any of the far over 1,000 unicorns already do. NEVER try small steps or walk before you run. There is no trying with pregnancy, and you cannot try a circumnavigation with a sailboat unless you already did the first.

Leading by innovation

It takes leadership to transform a company through a paradigm shift. And this one is far bigger than most expect it to be. NVIDEA was a startup in 1993 that was shining through the innovative graphics accelerators for gaming systems it offered. Twenty years later, it was one of the top tech giants in Silicon Valley. Ten years after that, it joined the Club of Valuation Trillionaires. With one exclusive feature: Continuous innovation.

Examples of the AI-driven Innovation Paradigm Shift

AI-driven Innovation Paradigm Shift

All images in this post were created with an AI from #MidJourney. It was done in 20 minutes, including several tries to get the desired output. So I took away business from our ad agency or graphic design freelancers. Well, here is MY POINT: did I really?

NO – I did not take jobs away from graphic designers. I only took the job away from graphic designers stuck in the old paradigm of taking hours and hours, rounds and rounds of reviews and arguments, whether it should be this or that.

MODERN GRAPHIC DESIGNERS use tools like MidJourney, Dall-E, Jasper, Canva, and many others. They can produce an image within 10 minutes, including reading the order. If they charge $20 each, that is $120 an hour. Way more than they earn right now. The only difference: 20 times more productive.

MODERN TEXTER, leverage ChatGPT or similar Large Language Models. They let the task through GPT-4 and get an excellent text, press release, and announcement… That costs 60 seconds + 2 human reviews, and you are done in 10 minutes instead of 3 hours. You charge $25 per press release and make $150 per hour. Again more than most copywriters. Also, you do more with less and earn more than you did in the past. Leveraging modern tools are increasing your productivity 18 times.

MODERN CFOs leverage ChatGPT or their own GPT-4 models to analyze financials, predict cash flow, predict ROIs, and much more. In this case, the CFO Is not in danger but can do more things in less time. But – that leads to a situation that old-world CFOs may need help staying in business.

MODERN INNOVATION TEAMS, ok, this is my favorite. Modern innovation managers use AI and neuroscience discoveries to get to top-notch innovation opportunities in the first place within days. In a few more days, they get all the research done and then take two weeks to craft a breakthrough innovation, and develop the corresponding disruptive business model. A few days later, they get their market validation and go for an innovation financing meeting with the CFO. And again, what took easily 6 to 12 months for complicated processes, unbearable administration, KPI collections, and reporting is now done in about three months. The same goes for prototype building, go-to-market, and scaling. Most breakthrough innovations require 10+ years to see an ROI. Today it is no more than three years. The newly won productivity gives you a 10-fold increased productivity in innovation and a three-fold ROI acceleration. Adding the Innovation failure rate of about 90% into the mix, your Innovation output increases by 100x.

IS IT ALL MARKETING BS? I know – those numbers look too good, and most arguments we hear include, we are an enterprise and tick differently, legal requirements, compliance, regulations, etc. But when you look under the hood, some arguments are based on distrust that your solution may not work, that nobody knows if your idea is really disruptive, uncertainty that the market will not accept the product, that customers won’t pay the price you anticipate, and roughly 70+ more challenges. Correct, but did you ever consider changing ALL those “circumstances”? No? But you can. This is why we use the term “Innovation is a Paradigm Shift.” The CEO and the board can make a significant difference in making innovation much easier, yet you must ensure it will work.

Other arguments are process and technology related and include: “We need too much time for reporting and KPI collection,” “We spend too much time for research,” old technology, old processes, old methods, old management… And those arguments can be alleviated even faster.

Neuroscience provided a game-changing inspiration. How can you THINK if you don’t know how your brain does it? How is the brain stimulated best? Where are its limits? And Artificial Intelligence is the other big game changer. Now we are leveraging AI for a productivity level that is by an order of magnitude higher than ever imaginable. Fusing neuroscience and AI made the Innovation Paradigm Shift and empowered us and our innovation teams to perform a quantum leap in Innovation productivity. Moving from guessing and hoping to repeatability, manageability, and predictability.

This is no future thinking but a reality today. BlueCallom’s AI system help you research, create exceptional ideas, and make intelligent decisions. And yet another AI system that automatically manages and monitors KPIs and prepares reports and performance feedback. Now the innovation teams can focus on one thing only: Their nature-given ingenuity. Here and now.

The AI-DRIVEN INNOVATION PARADIGM SHIFT is like the Gutenberg printing press. Instead of manually crafting one innovation in sequential stage gate steps and doing every single step on your own, now create a Meta Strategy for the entire enterprise, and use an AI-driven innovation that guides you through that process. Instead of shrinking innovation teams, the teams can make far more innovations, and they don’t need to be all top experts but now can be a mix of diverse backgrounds. Large-Scale Innovation like Peta-Watt Power Plants, High Volume Intelligent Logistics, New Monetary Systems, Disruptive Insurance Models, Modular Mobility Technology, Collaborative Moon Base Infrastructure, Harvesting Asteroids and other Planets, and developing new and individual organization models is no longer Sci-Fi. Sustainable AI with the ability to make its own risk assessment or assess the risks of other AI Models will turn the fear into a new perspective. Businesses not only get more productive but can build and do things that have been impossible so far.

In PART 2 I will talk about how all this may shape the future of work and our education systems.

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A glimpse into the future of innovation, AI and human ingenuity Thu, 17 Feb 2022 12:11:36 +0000 The post A glimpse into the future of innovation, AI and human ingenuity appeared first on BlueCallom.


Allow me to start the year with a perspective on the future of innovation.

Despite everything that went on in the world, BlueCallom had a great 2021 and 2022 started with a big boost.


It is no news that linearly managed business process transformation like digitalization or creating breakthrough innovation, has never really worked out. Linear thinking for any type of complex structure is not a good idea.

In the fall of 2021, we worked feverishly on finding better ways to visualize the difference between linear and lateral thinking. At the same time, I was asked by our data scientists and engineering team to visualize the data flow in each innovation process episode that feeds the AI system. All charts I’ve seen of lateral processes were hopelessly convoluted visuals where virtually every piece of a process was connected with at least half of all the other processes.

To visualize the complexity we had to build a bridge to a linear model. Once I looked at the process connections, I realized a pattern of parallelism – some actions ran in parallel, and some even in different directions. While a core process is active, a few processes can break out and run outside the core, and some even in different directions.

AI is the first technological way
to build laterality with a computer.

Laterality could be shown linearly, visualizing the lateral process. When looking at the AI from autonomous driving, we see a very similar mechanism. 

The chart below compares a linear process on the left column with a lateral process and its many columns to the right. How it works and how this can serve the human mind is described further down.

BlueCallom Lateral Business Process Network

Managing complexity is a very difficult task – no matter what. And if we need to ask teams to creatively innovate but also manage highly complex processes we will either lose the creativity or the manageability. Is that the end of managed innovation? No – not at all. We decided to use Artificial Intelligence for managing almost infinite complexity and all we need to do is to train the system in a way that guides their human companion through the maze. GPS? Compass? Stars? Yes, nothing new but in a very different world transforming the future of innovation.


With the above learning, we made two important decisions:

  1. We will not ask anybody to become a lateral thinker – instead, we decided to build solutions that do what humans are not so good at, like following complex lateral processes. We are using AI, Neuroscience, and Genetic Computing as the first Human Intelligence Augmentation solution. It is designed to help people stay on top of processes no matter how complex they are. This frees the brain to do what it can do best, including innovate, create, socialize, identify meaning, see opportunities, work on unique things, entertain, and countless other talents. 
  2. We will focus on making those innovative and creative jobs highly predictable so they can be judged, assessed, and analyzed before making major investments and giving long-term commitments. Therefore, we developed a unique and very powerful Innovation KPI Framework with 1 core KPI: “Success Probability”. Roughly 200 “Contributing KPIs” and approximately 20,000 data points are used by multiple algorithms to compose the one, ultimate Innovation Success KPI. The BlueCallom KPI Framework is a novel design of cascading KPIs leading to one “Mother Of All KPIs”.  

Human Intelligence Augmentation was an original idea from Douglas C. Engelbart, documented in October 1962. Engelbart hoped that very intelligent machines would help the human mind to perform tasks of nearly endless complexity. However back then this was technically not yet possible. Today we are stepping on his shoulders and are introducing what he has envisioned.
Deep Innovation Design-based innovation processes consist of 10 episodes, with approximately 12 major tasks each and approximately 10 activities in each task. More than 70% are creative, ideation-related tasks that work with stimuli and patterns that we learned from neuroscience. With an innovation team of 10 people, we are dealing with approximately 1,200 thought, research, or feedback objects. With reviews, considerations from previous episodes, and predictions for new episodes, we reach a staggering 20,000 aspects to consider in such an innovation project. Far too much for a normal human brain to keep in mind while being in a creative process. Either you work more creatively than you can’t manage administrative work at the same time or you follow the rules and never create any substantial innovation. Our laterally organized AI system however can take off all the administrative and coordinative work and let the ingenious minds flow freely, Reports, worrying about what the next steps should be, process orientation, and other administrative works are taken care of by the AI system.

AI will not replace people.
But people using AI will.

Human Intelligence Augmentation will augment the level of human intelligence that is hard to fathom today. It will give average humans the capability to solve solutions with AI together that even the smartest ones could not solve alone. Only time will tell how long it will take.


VISION – Our vision remains unchanged, we exist to build the most predictable innovation and business transformation solution helping teams elevate the way people do things.

GROWTH – You may have noticed that we are looking for quite a number of people to join the team and support our vision in the future of innovation. A pretty elaborate hiring process is helping us to find the best possible talents including AI experts and neuroscientists. If you have any connections or ideas to help is get the right talents, we would really appreciate it.

PRODUCT – We can imagine that you want to get your hands on the new system or see it in action. A beta test version and demos for BlueCallom DEEP II are scheduled to be available for selected customers soon. We will publicly introduce it in May 2022.

IN 2022 – We will be able to demonstrate the first step of what was thought to be impossible any time soon: an AI system that will augment human intellectual capabilities beyond its natural capacity – and – without drilling holes in the skull. The dream of the late Douglas Engelbart to create Intelligence Augmentation is now becoming a reality. 

HUMAN INTELLIGENCE AUGMENTATION This year we envision the first customers to work with human intelligence augmentation to run their innovation projects. The BlueCallom AI solution is built so that executives will experience a never-before-seen degree of predictability from complex processes in real time. Innovation or change management teams will experience a level of intellectual support by getting suggestions, reminders, data, and feedback. Envision using BlueCallom, similar to driving a car with GPS and augmented reality. You will still want to decide where to go, what to see, and where to stay – even to drive if you want. But the GPS will tell you the fastest way to your destination, where to find gas stations, restaurants, and points of interest. It even navigates you around traffic jams or accidents. Also in BlueCallom, you will still need to create the ideas, explore the hopes and dreams of your customers, and define the purpose of your innovation, But reporting, reminding you on meetings, not forgetting what your previous research indicated, reminding you to consider how to bring it to market or not forgetting to consider a great user experience and hundreds of other consideration for an excellent outcome is managed by the AI system. Soon you will be able to do all that by talking and listening to your team and to your BlueCallom – no more computers.

INNOVATION SUCCESS PREDICTABILITY – BlueCallom’s Human Intelligence Augmentation and its approximately 20,000 data points, aggregated throughout the entire process, are allowing the AI system to calculate a never-before-seen innovation success predictability. Executives can observe the success prediction in real-time and conduct their risk assessments, decisions to move forward, and any financing approvals.


To build a better future of innovation, we need everybody to be able to innovate and rapidly resolve complexity. Our contribution is to build a solution that allows almost everybody to build their own future. A future of new materials, new technology, new medical systems, new renewable energy, new medication, new transportation, new mobility, new distribution structures, new education models, and more. BlueCallom will further invest in research and science, both on computer science and on neuroscience getting a deeper understanding of how our brain behaves and how we can interface with its natural “APIs”.

Our future lies in building systems and solutions that can amplify and augment the human intellect. With our learning from Neuroscience and AI, Human Intelligence Augmentation is the core of our own development. By the end of 2022, we will invite all our business friends and customers to the first BlueCallomPredict, a small conference for Innovation Thought Leaders to look ever deeper into that future of innovation. 🙂

INNOVATION THOUGHT LEADER ROUNDTABLE – If you are interested in contributing and supporting our work from the outside, we will continue to develop collaboration with our customers and Innovation Thought Leader Roundtable members. The next Innovation Thought Leader Roundtable will be in March 2022. You will find more info at:

This is the most exciting, compelling, and also the most challenging venture I ever had the opportunity to work in. I’m deeply grateful for having amazing minds support this journey.

I wish you a great 2022, whatever is around us, and thank you for all the support!  Together we can do even more for the future of innovation.

Axel Schultze and the BlueCallom Dream Team

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