Publication Date: 

As a reminder, beginning October 15th, Blue Cross and Blue Shield of North Carolina (Blue Cross NC) will launch upgrades to our Care Affiliate portal to create a modern and streamlined design meant to enhance navigation and information display. Care Affiliate is the provider portal for managing authorizations that is accessed via Blue e.  

Please note: Starting Friday, October 15th at 6 p.m., Care Affiliate will be offline between October 15th –17th while upgrades are being made to the portal. On Monday, October 18th, all changes will be live on the site and regular usage can resume. If a provider has an urgent request while the portal is being upgraded, please utilize the normal fax numbers to submit the request. Only urgent requests will be accepted by fax and processed over the weekend. 


Benefits to Providers 

The updates to the Care Affiliate portal aim to create a comprehensive tool for providers’ authorization needs. Blue Cross strongly encourages providers to use Care Affiliate rather than phone or fax to manage their requests. Using Care Affiliate, providers can submit new authorization requests, update previously submitted authorization requests, check the status of authorization requests and add attachments, notes and service lines.  

This Care Affiliate portal update will apply to all lines of business, with the exception of Medicare Advantage plans.