Use Case
A company aiming to sell its products through over 50 distributors, who in turn reach tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of partners across multiple levels, faces significant challenges in driving marketing through these channels. Enhancing productivity in such a complex network is nearly impossible. BlueCallom coined the concept of ‘Induced Productivity,’ a process where AI systems are used to stimulate productivity growth. This approach to boosting the economic development of a trade network is unprecedented.
The Challenge
Multi-Tier trade systems, involving distribution channels, resale, and retail organizations have existed for centuries. Digitization, channel management systems, and partner relationship software have helped build large global networks. While Multi-Tier sales networks have proven to be more successful than direct sales, the sheer size is still a challenge to manage manually.
Degree of
Today’s partner management solutions focus on revenue generation and the marketing to do so. The real value of the most powerful trade networks however lies in their productivity level. Getting manageable productivity increases, translating to margin improvements for partners and higher and more controllable profitability for vendors were impossible. We give it a 5-star degree of impossibility.
Core Benefits &
The Autonomous Multi-tier Trade Network solution is focusing on “Induced Productivity” where vendors or suppliers provide a way for their trading partners to optimize their operation and at the same time learn from that process to optimize theirs’. Instead of finger-pointing, the autonomous system helps build the balance between optimized delivery and receiving data, processes and tasks in a holistic way.
In the Trade Networking use case, we show a potential saving of billions annually across an entire network. The nature of Generative-AI is its ability to think big and in large dimensions. Step-by-step has been a major killer in past projects. A trade network is the best example to understand why you can’t fix one piece without harming countless other parts.
What is
1) This large-scale innovation requires a “think big” mentality. What exists already today is a network of thousands of individual businesses working together. We discover common ground and common interests and work on optimizing the processes in that spirit.
2) Productivity Opportunity Discovery is a core piece of the solution, but now on a much grander scale. This includes selective data transparency where a customer of a partner in the UK can get delivery information, or compatibility suggestions, from a vendor in Australia at 3PM Sunday afternoon GMT. The order could be made an hour later and the vendor only knows that there has been an interest or even an order without changing any of the existing ERP systems!
3) Induced productivity is expanded to induce marketing efficiency where partners and vendors are able to build marketing initiatives of unparalleled value. Imagine global marketing campaigns where thousands of partners all participate in.